Feb 13, 2008

God as lover

Its february. i hard month for some. a fun month for some. for me its a
constant accountability to not become overly one way or the other. with what
people call "single awareness day" coming soon. i have caught myself several
times in the wrong attitude.
On sunday night at UpperRoom i was handed a sticker. They were passing a bunch of them out, and mine really did speak to me. it had the passage of 1 Cor 6:16 on it.
i will live with them and walk among them, and i will be their God and they will be my people

A reflection of love from God to his people. The intese desire that God expresses in this passage just overwhelmed me. i few days earlier i had been reading in Exodus. and had run across a similar passage and had been overwhelmed as well.

i will take you as my own people, and i will be your God. Then you will
know that i am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of
Egyptians. Exo 6:7.

I am constantly amazed at God's way of speaking to me. He is so personal, at a time when i feel alone, He reminds me that i am not, and that i am His, and only His. That He is a zealous lover of me. That i belong to Him, and that He is mine. A love that is better than i could ever imagine.


Erica Stark said...

Happy Valentine's Day. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.