Dec 23, 2007

Free Crochet Pattern Beanie

This is my first pattern!
Ill call it "Damian Beanie".
Its a V- stitch crochet beanie. Here goes nothing!

V- Stitch (V-st) Double crochet, chain one, double crochet all in same stitch.
H- hook for child (also 12 stitches instead of 13, and 24 instead of 26)
J- hook for young adult
K- hook for adult

Ch 5, join with sl st to form a ring

1) ch 3, work 12 more dc in ring. join with a sl st to top of ch 3. (13 dc)

2) sl st to space between dc, ch 4, dc in same space, work V-st in space between dc. join to 3rd chain. (13 V-st)

3) sl st to space between V-st, ch 4, dc in same space, chain one * work V-st in space between V-st, chain one. repeat from * till end. join to 3rd stitch (13 V-st)

4) sl st to top of V-st, ch 4, dc in same space, *V-st in space between V-st, V-st in top of V-st. Repeat from *. join to 3rd chain (26 V-st)

5-13) sl st to top of V-st, ch 4, dc in same space. * V-st in top of V-st. Repeat from * till end. join to 3rd ch. (26 V-st) fasten off

14) with new color. sl st in top of V-st, ch 4, dc in same space. * V-st in top of V-st. repeat from * till end. join to 3rd ch. (26 V-st). fasten off. weave in all ends. turn inside out. the end!

Photos of finished hat to come!

Dec 14, 2007

all photos from lang lab computer.

there are pics that i have saved on the work computer. i wont have access to it for awhile so all just leave them out here in cyberspace.

Dec 6, 2007


ohh soon so very soon i will be posting pictures of my own works. some of them will be done soon. im exited!

diaper bag

diaper bag ideas for erica.

Amy Butler

I dont know what it takes to be a great designer. But what ever it is Amy Butler has it. Not only does she design materials. But she also makes patterns, and books.

If you want to get me a book for Christmas I really want her Institches book. Ive looked at it several times at B.A.M but have never made myself buy it.

Here is a free pattern from her website. Its the portfolios. Its kind of like the grown up version of the notebook and pencil holder i mentioned on the last post.

Plus, im still on the look out for something i can make dad, mom and my grandma. they seem to have everything they need. Erica if you have any advice let me know!
love love

Dec 3, 2007

hand made gift ideas.

Sew, mama, sew is doing their cound down to Christmas hand made gifts.
After looking thru them these are my favorite.
Some people will probably get some of these as gifts this Christmas.
First: The notebook and pencil holder. Im planning on making some variations on it, but i love the idea of the inside cover holding the pencils. I will have to post on my finished projects and see if my variations work.
Second: a box bag tutotial. im not sure ill be able to follow and make these. But its a great tutorial.
Third: pants turned into a bag. This would be cute for one of the kids. I dont think it would work for an adult. ill just have to see. i dont really have an extra pair of pants laying around either.
There are many more ideas, embelishments and compilations.
Check it out for your self!

Nov 30, 2007

summer shoes

i know that we are barely coming into winter. But i was surfing thru the internet and came across these *amazing* shoes.

Basically they are summer sandals. But because you decide what color of ribbon, and can change the ribbon, they can match any ourfit.

The link to the site is here: mohop

some pics to help you understand how they work.

the different soles you can get acoring to what height of heels you like to wear.

the picture that caught my eye. ive always wanted the greco-roman look, but at local stores the ribbon never goes heigh enough so it doesnt fall off. These shoes let yuo decide how long the ribbon needs to be.

and some examples of people that have bought them, and the variety of way you can weave the ribbon and change the look of your shoes.

Nov 21, 2007

fun stitches,..

trying to come up with new stitches.
a new stitch poppalina.
another corner to corner.

Nov 13, 2007

crocheting on the road

im taking a ten hour road trip. and im getting together some suplies so that i can crochet if i am able. plus a whole weekend of sitting and listening to seminars.
so im getting together some patterns for the purses for the older girls from God's Resort.
this one is a pattern from 1944. very vintage.
a granny square hat for a pattern for the kids. im not completaly sure. hopefully i can find another partn i like more.
this link is an interesting one called spike stitch. i think i would work great for a scarf and a purse.
another pattern for the yarn i have for A's scarf. i will have to look into it when i get back. A manly beane pattern, just in case y decide to make a boy a hat.
a shell hat pattern for little brenda, it has a pompom on the top! how cute!
also a cap with a brim. i think it makes it look really modern, ans if you use the right color of yarn it wont look so homemade.
this one is a nubby brim. its very old fashion, but for a little girl i think it will work just fine.
some free patterns. in particular a lacy flower granny square type thing and also a snow flake blanket.
here is a thro blanket worked in pannels. a pannel by it self could be a scarf. dont ya think? i think a test run should be taken!
another pattern, lacy kind. called windom blue scarf. i might use it for an adult. a one skein scarf also on this site a purse that has a square pattern that i would like to learn how to do.
a patern for a flower, i really like it because the pettals are realy defined invidualy. ill just past it so i can find it easy

FLOWER A: ** Ch 4; join with a sl st in first ch to form a ring.Rnd 1: Ch 1, 10 sc in ring; join with a sl st to first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same sc as joining, ch 3, skip next sc, [sc in next sc, ch 3, skip next sc] 4 times; join to first sc. **

Rnd 3: * (Sl st, ch 4, 9 tr) all in ch-3 lp; turn; ch 4, skip first tr, tr in next 9 sts; turn; ch 1, sl st in first tr, skip next 2 tr, 3 dc in next tr, dc in each of next 2 tr, 3 dc in next tr, skip next 2 tr, sl st in top of ch-4; ch 4, sl st in end of row below, ch 4, sl st in next sc – petal made; rep from * around – 5 petals.

Rnd 4: Ch 1, working behind and below petals, (sc, ch 5, sc) all in first free sc on Rnd 1, ch 5, * (sc, ch 5, sc) all in next free sc, ch 5; rep from * around; join to first sc.

Rnd 5: * (Sl st, ch 5, 9 dtr) all in ch-5 lp; turn; ch 4, skip first dtr, tr in next 9 sts; turn; ch 1, sl st in first tr, skip next 2 tr, 3 dc in next tr, dc in each of next 2 tr, 3 dc in next tr, skip next 2 tr, sl st in top of ch-4; ch 4, sl st in end of row below, ch 5, sl st in next sc – petal made; rep from * around – 10 petals. Fasten off.

Flower Center: Ch 6, 10 dtr in 6th ch from hook; join with a sl st in top of beg ch. Fasten off. With tapestry needle, weave thread through top of sts and draw up tightly; secure. Push gathered sts against center ch (the ch all dtr were worked into) to flatten; dtr will fold in half and make “spokes” around the center ch – this is the right side of the flower center.

Secure center in this position with a stitch or two. Bring ends of flower center through the center of the flower; tie all ends together tightly; trim. Sew or glue pin back to wrong side of flower. Form each petal with fingers into curved shapes as shown. Spray heavily with hair spray on top and underside of petals. Reshape petals if necessary. Allow to dry.

Nov 12, 2007


i made a pillow this morning. pics will come eventually. i dont have a camera. its cute, i still have one or two little details to add. so i decided to google pillow and here are my favorite images. i like the one on the left. the bows are just the right size.
pillow with a message
multi color
with circle

its a cover, so it can be wached, also the bows need to be smaller.
i ike both of the ones on the left. sleek but with texture.
looks comfy and good for the neck and TV watching
more elegant. i like the button one and the two toned ones
very fallish. i could embroider something similar on mine.

in the end there are a lot of ideas. ill have to take some pics of ones i actually make.

Nov 8, 2007

Ive been sick this last week, not much energy to do anything. i did get some time into crocheting a purse, its my own pattern so we will just have to wait and see how it comes out.
Here are some ideas that would be important for my home. First of all a draft stopper, there is about a 2 inch gap at the bottom of out doors and the cold wind just comes right in. A tutorial is shown how to make a simple snake one. i would like to have one that woulnt have to be adjusted everytime you open the door and that would stay in its place. i guess ill have to experiment. The biggest question for me was what do i fill it with? now i have the answer.
I dont really need a wallet. and the colors on the fabrics of this tutorial kind of put me off, but for a gift it would be perfect. Some nice colors, more neutral so you can trow it in any purse.

I also want to make something hand made for each of the kids from God's Resort.

these are the kids that are at God's Resort more. i still dont know what to make for each of them, any ideas? a blanket? purse? stuffed animal? i dont know.

Nov 5, 2007

A post about my crazy dream. its not craft related so its here.
Happy Birthday to little Brenda who today turns 5!!! and i will hopefully finish her bear before the end of the day.
Thats about it.

Oct 25, 2007


So as an adult its really hard to come up with a decent costume.

I have an old brides maid dress that i want to use again, its blue. so i was thinking Cinderella.

then i remembered that its going to be cold tomorrow night, so i want to make a cloak to match it. i found this website but they are so expensive. i really just want to make my own. we will see how much time i have and how that goes. a black one would be good and versatile if i want to wear it again. but a light blue or white would be so elegant.

as far as accessories for the Cinderella costume goes i was thinking that i need a crown, or black head band. maybe some long while or blue gloves. ohh and a black choker. here are some cinder images
So the first two are the classic Cinderella. i think that since my dress is just plain blue i may need to adds some puff to it. i like the yellow picture because of the hair. i like it. i don't really know how to do updoos so maybe this will work better. the last picture just reminds me of how much i just love the whole romance that comes with the princesses.

Oct 14, 2007

a cute bunny. from here. need i say more?