Nov 8, 2007

Ive been sick this last week, not much energy to do anything. i did get some time into crocheting a purse, its my own pattern so we will just have to wait and see how it comes out.
Here are some ideas that would be important for my home. First of all a draft stopper, there is about a 2 inch gap at the bottom of out doors and the cold wind just comes right in. A tutorial is shown how to make a simple snake one. i would like to have one that woulnt have to be adjusted everytime you open the door and that would stay in its place. i guess ill have to experiment. The biggest question for me was what do i fill it with? now i have the answer.
I dont really need a wallet. and the colors on the fabrics of this tutorial kind of put me off, but for a gift it would be perfect. Some nice colors, more neutral so you can trow it in any purse.

I also want to make something hand made for each of the kids from God's Resort.

these are the kids that are at God's Resort more. i still dont know what to make for each of them, any ideas? a blanket? purse? stuffed animal? i dont know.

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