Sep 8, 2007

the one with inspiration.

Great inspiration photos. Two are different images of a bed frame i would love to have. The others are of amazing dreses i like. more photos to come.


Erica Stark said...

Where do you find your patterns? I've been looking for a nursing cover up/shawl pattern and can't find anything. I want this:
but without the expense and I guess so it works for nursing too. A 2 in 1-- a nurser and a carrier. Can you help?

Erica Stark said...

Wait! I think I found it. I was reading some reviews and a lot of moms say to just use a sling to nurse--less obvious than a cover-up. Here's the link:
Do you think you can help?

Erica Stark said...

I found a "pouch" pattern:
It's different. I don't know. Can you look at it?

Erica Stark said...

So now I'm just putting my links on your blog so I don't lose them. This one has some fun things to make for kids:

I actually want to find a pattern for making a doll for Ela for Christmas. I want to have a tradition of making gifts in our family instead of just buying so I think that would be a great way to start.
Love ya!