Mar 23, 2011

Los Rojos de Ultramar- A Review

"the Reds of the Sea"
this is the translation of the title as i would put it. It has a simple meaning.
The book proved to be a interesting read, with much information on the post-civil war Spanish life. Not of those left in Spain. But of those that had to leave, who were on the loosing side of the war.
It intrigues us, to know how the loosing side survives. and i think this is what makes the book. its that interest to see how the rest of their lives are lived out.
the book is a bit repetitive in parts.
the author has a certain view of the world and he tries very hard to transmit these undertones to the reader with out just coming out and saying them, he gives the clues enough times to allow the reader to come to the conclusion.
though this repetitiveness should not dissuade anyone from reading the book,
on the contrary, its just one man's view of what happened,
and it should cause us all to look at other opinions
and that is what this book caused in me
a desire
a desire to know more about the war that in world history gets over shadowed by world war II.
a war that brought a dictator into a country over over 25 years.
a dictator that at the end of his life gave back the country to a monarchy
a country that now has pretty much undone as much as they can of his dictatorship
the book, as far as i know, only comes in Spanish,
and it was a great read to get me back into the language,
i recommend it.

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