Jun 15, 2010


This saturday i ran my first half marathon. It was quite an experience.
I am hoping to do more in the future. Its been about a year of "training" that has finally paid of into some kind of tangible result.
After my surgery last year i started walking, then running. i started slow because i was still recovering , and the more i recovered the more my tolerance built.
13.1 miles is a lot, i walked quite a bit, and was sore beyond measure the rest of the day and the next day (after some stretching it calmed down a lot).
Really i not to bad after the run. Tonight after work im ready to head out again and run some more. Just NOT 13.1 miles. Ill stick with like 4-5.
If only i would finish more of my sewing projects. I believe i have like 3-2 of them that just need things like buttons, button holes or a hem. Ahh, well, i will finish them eventually.
and when i do, ill try and post pictures.

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