I cant believe that the year is over. I have been thinking about all that happened during this last year. It has been a year of growth and new experiences. There were many new begginings and one more year of school under my belt. Also some sad and interesting experiences.
January: I started out the year well. Surrounded by community. Also road trip to Colorado to go skying. It was my second time ever skying. i was also an extremely long road trip. The first ice storm of 2007.

February: Not only valentines day. But more importantly the trip to Beautiful Feet in Dallas Tx. Also the month that i moved of my parents and moved in with Beverly at the Royal Orleans.

March: New Orleans. Erica turned 24 while i was gone. But that week in NO was amazing. It was crazy to see the damage that is still there, and also a lot of hard work and knowing that we contributed to the repair.

April: Mom hosted Erica's Baby shower. Ela was soon on her way and we all gathered to prepare. Also Sarah gave birth to her first son, Alex. We went to Springfield to go ice skating for Nicole's Birthday.

May: Graduation! Well, not me, but everyone else. Ela was born the same day as OCC graduation. I remember runnung out of the multi-purpose builting at Ozark because mom called and Erica was having a c-section.
June: Amanda's birthday. Also work and summer living, which includes the pool. With love in the summer air as I traveled to many weddings.
July: Independance day. Hangging out with the college age. Fun firework war. Boys! Also CIY> and most importantly the descicion to move to God's Resort. It was on the drive home from CIY that i decided that i needed to do something; and that something was move to Gods Resort. Amanda also made big descicions, and in August she moved to Decatur IL
August: We moved. Boxed everything up. Cleaned the house down at God's Resort. Started un-packing. Getting Settled into life in the neighborhood. Ohh! and another semester of school. forgot about that.
September: School. Visiting Amanda in Decatur and took a road trip up to Chicago. Also our first birthday celebration at God's Resort. Ashley turned 12.

October: Halloween. On many different fronts. At God's Resort, with International Club at MSSU, and one more trick or treat at the Udells.

November: Thanksgiving. Amanda came home for a good 10 days. I miss her so much. We got some nice family portraits. Also the road trip to Cincinnati for the NMC. Finally little Brenda's 5th Birthday.
What a year! And boy did we find a whacky way to start the new year!
Did I mention I'm proud of you for all you've been doing. More than that, I'm proud of you for who you're becoming through the choices you make. Keep up keepin' up. You're shapin' up real fine girl.
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