Nov 12, 2007


i made a pillow this morning. pics will come eventually. i dont have a camera. its cute, i still have one or two little details to add. so i decided to google pillow and here are my favorite images. i like the one on the left. the bows are just the right size.
pillow with a message
multi color
with circle

its a cover, so it can be wached, also the bows need to be smaller.
i ike both of the ones on the left. sleek but with texture.
looks comfy and good for the neck and TV watching
more elegant. i like the button one and the two toned ones
very fallish. i could embroider something similar on mine.

in the end there are a lot of ideas. ill have to take some pics of ones i actually make.

1 comment:

Erica Stark said...

You should make pillows for all the kiddos. Different fabrics for different kids. Then you can have a sleepover with all the girls and their pillows.