lately i have had nothing to respond to these questions. usually my scapegoat was the fact that i could say school and homework and the asnwer was sufficient. Now that schools out, well what am i up to. Since you didnt ask, i will tell you.
-Im working some 20 hours at KOBC, the Christian Radio station i have worked at for the last 4 years.
-I am going to Mexico for a week with Katie and my sister. We dont know anyone else on the team that we are going with. But people tend to bond quickly on missions trips.
-I will also be going to Italy for 12 days in July (wanna send me money so i acually can go) it will be my first cross cultural-lingual experience.
-Most importantly, i am living at God's Resort. Trying to live out what i believe. To love like Jesus.
My life is simple, i live it quite simply. I dont have an amazing thing that i do everyday, i just live day to day. Sometimes i feel the pressure to asnwer peoples questions with tales of amazing youthfull adventures.
God is great, i can see Him moving all around me. Next time you run into me, instead of asking what im up to, ask what have you seen that God's is up to? i assure you that His day is full of amazing adventures.

Last night some friends and i were talking about childhood cartoons. One that i was not really allowed to watch was Captain Planet (mom had her reasons). Which brought us to the topic of the Planeteers powers. They are wind, fire, earth, water and heart.
most people want to "good" powers. Ones that actualy can do something. But as a friend mentioned, the best one is heart. Why, because its the one changes life. To love someone, that is a power that we have, and we dont need rings or super powers.
Like Celine said "the power of love"
Lets be inundaded with His love, so that in turn we can love others.