I was one of these 50.
The experiences this weekend were great, amazing, stretching. and a lot of us came back on a spiritual high. just like the ones we got from summer camp, CIY, missions trips and retreats.
Which makes me think of the selfish side of service. The person that goes to serve usually ends up with a greater experience than the people that were served.
it reminds me of Bart Campolo in his speech he gave at the National Missionary Convention in which he talks about missions group coming to the neighborhood were he lives, jumping out of 12 passenger church vans in matching t-shirts and then claim to establish a relationship, bring someone to Christ and live this "good Christian's" life for the week. he didn't say not to do this, but what he did call for was a reality check in which we realize what we are able and willing to do away from home on trips, but are not even compelled to think about while we are at home, were we could make a LONG TERM investment and difference.
This is a good reminder for me. its the things i do in between these trips that should demand just as much, if not more energy than what i gave this weekend that matter or can really make a difference. its really looking at the people that live at God's Resort and Joplin with the same enthusiasm and compassion as i did the people at Beautiful Feet and Fort Worth
The thing is, a lot of times its easier to give your all during a short term trip, than it is to give it day after day after day in your "regular" life.
If we did, i do believe that this so called spiritual high would be an everyday thing. what a beautiful thing that would be. i do believe that this is possible.
One of the things that seems to be established almost immediately during trips is community. The reason is that there is no other choice, you are stuck in close quarters with these people, you are cut of from you friends from home, and well, its no so much fun being the only person on a trip that's not having fun because we don't talk to new people.
My question to you all is: how do we establish this here at home, were we can all drive separately, live separately, we don't spend quality time with each other and have easy access to stuff that entertains us, whether it be school, homework, friends, "bad" friends, family, work, sleep, etc.
The answer, intentionality, and true value to the fact that community as Christians with Christians is essential for our walk with Christ through this fallen and deprived world.
Tomorrow is a new day, I'm still exhausted from the weekend, but there is much to be done so rest will have to come later. Blessings!